Terms & Conditions is a research project that looks at how meaning is constantly changing and how we have embodied understandings of the terms we use.
Etymology, or word history, is the part of linguistics that deals with where words come from. It looks at the connections between concepts and meanings, and how these have changed over time depending on context and use. Etymology can be seen as a kind of map of the movement and relationships of words, both formally and semantically. We will this as a framework to think historically and contextually about how language moves choreographically. Using game structures and choreographic assignments we will explore the literal and metaphorical, embodied cognition, associative trains of thought, related meaning, formal shifts and puns.
This research is in development throughout 2025.
Research and direction: Ingrid Berger Myhre
Developed in collaboration with: Yuhan Ashley Ho, Calvin Carrier, Hilde Ingeborg Sandvold.
Outside eyes: Sara Manente, Geert Belpaeme.
Residencies: STUK, Leuven (BE), Bora Bora, Aarhus (DK)
Co-production: Bærum Kulturhus (NO)
Supported by: Au Jus, Brussels (BE), I Am Undone (NO), Caravan Production (BE)
Photos by: Henrik Follesø Egeland